We Need Heroes.

We are all shocked and appalled by the news of a madman who decided to take the lives of a dozen people and injure scores more.  People whose only mistake was to be a the wrong place at the wrong time.

What motivated this man to become a killer, we may never know, but thankfully law enforcement subdued and took him into custody.  The Aurora Police department deserve much praise for their response to the incident, arriving on scene 60-90 seconds after the first 911 call, and for apprehending  the individual without firing a shot.

Now comes the inevitable aftermath, when people, mostly politicians, and pundits begin to ask questions and assign blame, like Congressman Louie Gohmert (R – Texas) who, despite not having any evidence as to the motive of the shooter, has called it part of “ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs”, questioning why nobody in the theater had gun to take down the shooter (never mind the fact that the darken theater was filled with homemade tear gas, and panicking patrons, making it more likely that more innocents would be at risk by a crossfire) There are voices at the left and right seeking to point fingers at what should have been done, what could have been done, and what wasn’t done to keep us safe.

We, as people, as a community, we need to come together as a people and support one another. Do not let politicians and pundits use this senseless tragedy as another reason to separate us, to cause fear.   The world can be a hard, lonely place, with challenges both internal and external.  We don’t need leaders who seek to exploit our fears, but to inspire us to overcome them, and to rally us to greater heights. We need heroes.

In a world where the people you love can be taken away from you on the whim of an insane person, do what you can to make it a better place to live.   Just be nice to each other.   That is all it really takes.  Smile.  Help one another when you can.  Volunteer.  Remember to tell the ones you love how you feel, every day. Stand up for those who can’t stand alone.  Be forgiving, and most importantly, listen to one another, and just be there to help each other when there is a need.

Make this world better.

Be a hero.


The Dark Knigh Hopes

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