Quo Vadimus?

So when I started being Geeky in the City (as opposed to just being a geek in the city.) I had a good job, making pretty good money, and I had been having some success with Exiled in Geeksville and figured a geek’s social life blog would make for a nice companion blog. Somewhere I […]

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Still on the Roundabout

I turned 40 this weekend. In a lot of ways my life is very similar as it was when I turned 30. Shit, there are something’s about my life that I haven’t changed since I was 20.    Some are good things, like my music tastes. Some are probably not so good, like my diet. Hell, […]

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Have you felt neglected?

Whoa… Where have I been? It’s been a few weeks, I know. I apologize. My life has been complicated lately. Well probably no more complicated than yours, but I haven’t seen a new blog from you in a while either. What have I been up to? What has kept me from expressing my ever though […]

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At a crossroads…

Hey there geek fans. Thanks for all the support this past year. It is hard to believe this weekend marks the 1 year anniversary of my mother’s passing. In someways it seems like it just happened, in others it seems like so long ago. I know I would not have made it through this past […]

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New Year – New Dates?

Hey all. Happy New Year.   I hope you a had a great holiday. I know you have been suffering some major dating scoop withdrawal. Well with the holidays, my social schedule was mostly about family.   Tiny Dancer was also with her family, in TX until this week. So I didn’t see her until this past […]

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