Still on the Roundabout

I turned 40 this weekend. In a lot of ways my life is very similar as it was when I turned 30. Shit, there are something’s about my life that I haven’t changed since I was 20.    Some are good things, like my music tastes. Some are probably not so good, like my diet. Hell, […]

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  What is the reason we surround ourselves with possessions? To what end does possessory of wealth serve? I have stuff.  Lots of it. Some of it is even pretty nice stuff.  A lot of it is, well, in anyone else’s eyes might be considered junk, but it all is evidence of the life I […]

Read More Damn am I STUFFED

The brightest light…

… makes the darkest shadow. I have spent a lot of my life trying to be light. In making that light, and by presenting as my outward persona it turns all my darkness inward. So when things like fear, anger, and hate do come out it could look weird, even funny in a sort if […]

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