Stuff I own, or does it own me?

What is the reason we surround ourselves with possessions?

To what end does possessory of wealth serve?

I have stuff.  Lots of it. Some of it is even pretty nice stuff.  A lot of it is, well, in anyone else’s eyes might be considered junk, but it all is evidence of the life I lead.

I have the same stuff we all have: books, pictures, DVD’s, CD’s (really, who still has CD’s and books? everything is digital media now, right?) Plus a lot of things that you probably have never seen lining the shelves in my apartment.

But what does this stuff do for me, besides distraction on end.   Do I need to surround myself with so many things?   I wish I could be that guy, who lives a simple life, with a clean, uncluttered living space.  But I meet those guys, and they all seem like douchebags, so maybe not. Maybe our things help us with character?  Obviously our possessions are a reflection of our personality. (So that must be why those spartan living guys have no personality.)  But can they actually help shape our personality?

I am a nerd, because  I surround myself with nerdy things?

This could lead to all sorts of recursive arguments, which I really don’t feel up to right now.   However, I do feel I have too much stuff.  A lot of it isn’t even stuff I have out where I can enjoy.  I have boxes of stuff in NJ in the attic and basement.  Things I have been hanging on to for decades (yes decades).  But the prospect of getting it all out and doing anything with it, even trying to sell it on eBay is just too much.  Sometimes, when I am there, I’ll go find a few little things to take back to my apartment, or I’ll see something and think, this would be great for my niece or nephew (my nephew has really enjoyed the old TOTAL JUSTICE superhero figures i gave him last year, and my niece will read just about anything I give her.)

So what do you do with all your stuff?

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