Looking forward, don’t look back,

Maybe this is a delayed “New Year’s resolution” or maybe I have just been procrastinating doing one.

So here it is, my 2011 resolutions:


That’s it.

I have made a whole life out of reliving past glory, what there is of it to speak of, but I let my past mean more to me than my future anymore. I have to get over the fear of what if? Of not sabotaging myself, professionally and personally and more. No more bad career choices or dubious financial decisions. No more pursuing emotionally (or romantically) unavailable women.

This means some changes. I am still figuring out what that means. but I do know that means some things, and people, have to go from my life. You’ll see some of it happen right here, in this very place. Or maybe you won’t. Some of you (those of you reading this on facebook) may be some of the things I need to let go of.  I need to streamline myself, both physically and emotionally. Leave some of my baggage with the skycaps, so to speak.

The last 20 years of my life, I have been holding on to things, like a fly preserved in amber. I have had some good times, and some not so good times. I had some great times. Learn from it all, Don’t forget the past. Honor the past, but don’t dwell in it.

Ahead of me there are roads I have been afraid to go down, for fear of failure, or fear of embarrassing myself, or for fear of rejection.

That’s it.

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